Happy 2016, y'all!! I hope your holidays were refreshing and cozy and filled with all the yummy food and family time you could possibly squeeze in. =) Also, I'm admittedly the worst blogger ever probably. I completely realized it has been over two months since I last posted and, while I understand that no one is actually religiously checking in to see what I'm up to, it would be better if I popped in every few weeks. Hehe! =) But, I really do have some very legit reasons (aka excuses) for why I have been MIA for a little bit here. Let me try to explain.
Firstly, I've been teaching. Haha! I'm sure you can all relate to that statement. "The reason I couldn't XYZ was because I was teaching." LOL! I love my job, but it definitely is a time-consuming one. So, I was teaching and creating new things for my kiddos to use to practice their skills and learn new ones and being a wife and trying to keep my house from looking like a disaster. Reason (aka excuse) number one.
Secondly, I was getting ready for Christmas and for our honeymoon of a LIFETIME!! We saved a little bit of our wedding budget to go on the most amazing trip of our entire lives. We started this epic trip in the Bahamas, flew over to Paris, bounced over to Rome, and then ended in Sydney. It was absolutely incredible. We had the most wonderful time together, exploring new places and trying new foods and seeing some super historic creations. We were both getting ready for this massive trip and, for me, this trip meant missing the week before the Christmas break. So, of course, I had a WHOLE lot of very detailed sub planning to do and making sure that everything was "just so" before I left. I spent about two weeks getting everything finished so that I could go on my trip with peace of mind and just totally enjoy it. Reason (aka excuse) number two. Haha.
Relaxing in the Bahamas with my love!
Overlooking beautiful Rome, Italy!
Exploring Paris!!!
Checking out Sydney, Australia!
Anyway, now that you are somewhat up-to-date, I'm here now! Teaching, creating, learning, and growing with my little second graders. Soooo, starting the new year, I've started some new stations for math too! We do fact fluency tests each week, but I feel like my kiddos should have their facts down more quickly. I spent my day today creating a few little ways that kiddos can practice their fact fluency in a fun way during math stations time. Soooo, I pulled together a few fun ways to practice addition and subtraction facts here and I'm going to implement them tomorrow during our fact fluency station at math time. Eeeeeee!! I'm so excited to start them! Also, if you have any other brilliant ideas, please let me know and I'll add your ideas in to make the options even more diverse. =) I hope these will help our your little ones as they master their math facts.
Practicing fact fluency with some cute little games and activities! Excited teacher!
Thanks so much for reading along in the teacher journey and for your constant love and support. I truly appreciate each and every one of you! Have a beautiful Tuesday tomorrow! =) Remember that YOU mean the world to those littles that you teach every day. You are LOVED. Keep doing you!